But you know, sometimes our lives go from day to day a bit like the droll reading of the 'begat' chapters. You know the ones I mean. We've all read them in our read-through-the-Bible-in-a- year schedules: Matthew 1:2f Abraham begat Isaac, Isaac begat Jacob, Jacob begat Judah and his brothers, Judah begat Perez...yada, yada, yada.
My personal, all-time favourite begat chapter is Genesis 5: Adam begat Seth and lived 800 more years, and then he died. Seth begat Enosh and lived 807 more years, and then he died. Enosh begat Kenan and lived 815 more years, and then he died. Definitely a cure for those LONG, sleepless nights! Yet, where would WE be without those long genealogies? Mundane? Sure. Important? You betcha!! The Saviour of our souls came from all those begats. He was planned even BEFORE the creation of the world. He was promised even as the pomegranate juice dripped from Adam and Eve's chins. He became God Incarnate lying in a box from which cattle were fed. Had papas not begotten sons, Jesus would have been only a passing thought in the mind of God.
There really hasn't been any monumental happenings in the life of the Krogsgaards these last few weeks. Yes, it's even a bit mundane at times--work with Logan on the computer with his English, cook and eat by 1:30, hustle Logan off to school, do a bit of visiting, run a few errands, prepare the next study, make a few phone calls, wait for the next person to show up for a study, wash a few loads of clothes, clean the floors, mend some skirts, run to help a distressed family, go visit the newly born baby, shop for fruits, shop for meats, shop, shop, shop...etc...SIGH..., and then she died. (Oops, we're not that far into the story yet!!) Mundane? ...Hummm, sometimes. Important? You betcha!!
We thank God every day for the opportunity to represent Him here in Lazaro Cardenas, Michoacan, Mexico. We don't live idealistic, utopia lives.-- Who does this side of heaven? But what He has
If a picture is worth a thousand words, the real deal is even better. We would LOVE to have you come visit God's work first-hand. Just let us know!!
Until the next blog,
Alicia, for the Krogsgaards
Thank God for the MANY ways He has blessed us and His work here in Lazaro:
-wonderful team: Malcolm/Tammy Pointon, Glenn/Caroline Pointon, Ivan/Stefanie Ponce de Leon
-awesome church family that is growing numerically and spiritually
-faithful and prayerful supporters
-healthy and happy nine-year old boy, Logan, who is very much a part of our work
-healthy and happy 21 year old adult children in Canada making their own way in life
-experienced a powerful prayer night last Saturday/Sunday
-experienced an excellent marriage seminar-many visitors
-many thanks to Ian MacLeod and Sue Willienic who have handled BIG problems with our house in Saskatoon
Petitions to lay at our Powerful God's feet:
-that Malcolm and Tammy can be back with us on a permanent basis SOON
-that Mexican leaders will be raised up to carry La Comunidad de Cristo to maturity
-that God will continue to give us all physical safety
-that God will touch and heal the marriages and families of the church as a testimony of His power for all those in Lazaro Cardenas
-our next Marriage Enrichment Evening is Nov. 1
-people with whom we are sharing the Good News: Hector, Juanita, Karina, Edy, Luz Maria, Robin, Lupita, Lorena, Zachary, Elia, Beto, Saul, visitors in our groups, visitors on Sundays
-that God will raise up more church planters to plant on the Pacific Coast
-wisdom in making a decision to move to bigger facility or multiply into two services
-that we can rent or sell our house in Saskatoon (We need MUCH wisdom in this area as it is taking WAY too much time away from the work we have been called to do here in Mexico.)